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Brownies meet the First Minister

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon dropped in to see Brownies from the 192nd City of Glasgow Brownie Unit on Monday (8 February 2016) and take part in an extra special pow-wow.

Ms Sturgeon, who used to be a Brownie herself in Dreghorn, helped the girls complete the final stage of their Speaker badges by taking part in a discussion with them.

She listened to what the girls had done to work towards their badges and answered questions from them. She then awarded each Brownie her badge and had her picture taken with them.

Unit Leader Margaret Cargey plucked up the courage to ask Ms Sturgeon to visit after meeting her at a church service near the First Minister’s constituency office.

Margaret said:

“I just introduced myself as the local Brown Owl and asked her if she’d like to join my Brownies one evening for a very special pow-wow. I almost fell over when she said yes!”

“She asked the girls about their favourite TV programmes – it turns out she is also a fan of X Factor and The Voice!

“And we now know her favourite colour is red, closely followed by pink.

“She also revealed that she loves to read in her spare time and if she wasn’t busy being Scotland’s top politician she would love to write children’s books.”

Margaret added that Ms Sturgeon taught the girls a bit about how Parliament works and spoke about the importance of aiming high.

“Nicola held a mock Parliamentary vote on whether the girls should get more or less homework – the motion for less homework won the day of course!

“It was great to hear her talk about the importance of girls’ education.

“She told the girls that if they want to achieve something in life, then they mustn’t listen to anyone who says they can’t.”