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Jill’s December Diary

It has been a fabulous few weeks and I have had lots of fun out and about in the County which is my most favourite part of my role. Highlights over the last few weeks have been attending the BBC studios to support a Rainbow Young Leader from Inverness as she participated in the BBC One Show Rickshaw challenge as part of a team cycling from London TV studio to our very own BBC Pacific Quay. It was a bitterly cold evening however the Guides and leaders who joined me enjoyed seeing behind the scenes and of course meeting Pudsey!

Our next event was joining together as a County in Glasgow City Chambers to celebrate our Girlguiding year and present our youth members with the numerous awards they have achieved this year. It was a lovely evening and demonstrated the passion and commitment our leaders make to members across the city and all the wonderful opportunities Girlguiding can offer. We were honoured to have many distinguished guests join us on the evening including Girlguiding Scotland’s newly appointed Chief Commissioner who spoke about her passion for growing Girlguiding in Scotland an aspiration shared by us all in #TeamGlasgow. Our annual report was also launched to coincide with our annual review which can be view here.

Our Guides then had the opportunity to join together at the City of Glasgow College for a workshop delivered in partnership with BAE System focusing on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) challenges inspired by the Clever Clogs badge produced by Girlguiding North West Region. Thank you our Queen’s Guide Coordinator Heather Plummer who led on the event from Girlguiding Glasgow and all our Counties Queen’s Guide Candidates who supported the event. To find out more about the event please click here.

It was cake and celebrations all round as I joined the County celebrating the contributions of Jean Renfrew to our fabulous Achachairdeis campsite. Jean has been one of the powerhouses behind the facility for many years and an afternoon tea was held in headquarters where Jean was joined by many Girlguiding friends to thank her for the time, passion and commitment she has gifted to our County.

South East Division held their Rainbow’s 30th Birthday celebrations based on Girlguiding Scotland’s mermaid challenge pack. I loved joining in the celebrations and joining the youngest Rainbow at the party to cut the cake. It was even more special for me as the Rainbow unit I attended hosted the party and my Rainbow leader is still leading the way and providing wow adventures to the unit!

South East later in the month also hosted their annual Thanks and Recognition event celebrating the good Guiding taking place in the Division and presentation of long service awards. Thank you for the invite and even more so for the delicious cakes and good chat!

Out with the events noted above, I have attended, Clyde Regional Scouts Award presentation, South West District Gang show, Girlguiding West Lanarkshire County Annual Celebration and our County Team Christmas celebration to name a few….. it has been a busy few weeks!

As units start getting into full Christmas party mode I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous and peaceful new year!

I look forward to 2018 and excited about the fabulous Girlguiding adventures and fun which awaits us all.

Best wishes
