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Girlguiding Glasgow Celebrates 2016

The 22nd of November saw the 46th Annual Review for the City of Glasgow County, known to us as Girlguiding Glasgow.

Held at the fantastic Glasgow City Chambers, the event looked back on the fantastic year we as a county have had and celebrated a whole heap of awards that our youth members have achieved.

Formally opened by county president, Maureen Reid, our guests were welcomed to the City Chambers by Ballie Dr Nina Baker after which our host for the evening, the wonderful Jennifer Reoch took us through the achievements of the last 12 months.

We heard from our new County team, Jill, Elaine and Evelyn as they looked back at their first year in office followed by a whole host of our members who spoke about everything from a Carnival inspired Rainbow & Brownie activity day to a service project run by our Queens Guides (See ‘Step in my Shoes’ to find out more) and plenty of other fantastic initiatives and experiences.

Our Key Note speaker was the inspirational Claire Nelson, the CEO of Netball Scotland who spoke about the role women have to play in supporting each other and being confident in our abilities and skills.

Our Thanks go to all those who joined us for the evening ad to the City Chambers for once again hosting this important event.

You can see all our Award Recipients listed here.