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South Division Update – April

Firstly I hope those of you that attended our trip to the Zoo enjoyed yourselves – it was great to see so many of you!  The deadline for booking places on next years trip to Dalguise is past and those of you who booked places should be collecting in deposits – let me know if there are any issues.  I have notified Dalguise that we don’t need all the places ( 130 of us going) so it will now only be possible to add to the numbers if they have not booked them out to someone else – there are a few units that originally expressed an interest who did not book.

Over the summer I will attempt to get grant requests done to bring down the cost – in the meantime congratulations to all those units that are off on camps and holidays partly funded by Sports Relief – I was delighted to learn that all our applications were successful!
County Camp will be mentioned elsewhere in this letter – they are desperately looking for extra guiders – with or without camp experience and for all or part of the weekend – if you are free it would be great to see you.
Finally please remember that all unit accounts should be closed off and with your District commissioners, if not already certainly in the next two weeks – lets make the accounts process as painless as the subscriptions were!
Karen |