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September Division Updates

Northern Division

I hope everyone had a good summer and  enjoyed the break.

Our next Division meeting will be a pot luck supper and will  take place on 19 October
at 7 30pm.  Please bring along a dish.  If you cannot cook you
could bring crisps, cheese and crackers. salad, cake or juice etc.  The meeting. will
be in guide headquarters.  This will be an informal meeting with a little bit of
business.  You will have an opportunity to chat with your District Commissioner
if you need any advice.

If you have not completed your PVG  bring along your I/d and  we can complete
it at the meeting.  It is vital that these are  completed for Guiding HQ.

Christmas Tea Party for the  trefoil Guild  and Friends of Guiding

The  afternoon tea will take place on  Sunday 4th December in Guide Headquarters.
We need lots of guiders to help  and it would be great to have  some girls to
entertain the ladies.  Please ask your girls  if some of them could come along.  I know
we have lots of talented girls in the Division  so please encourage them  to come and entertain us.  I realise Christmas is a fair bit away but wanted you to know date so
you  could save the date and give the girls  as much notice as possible.

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon.

Thank you

Anne Chapman |

East North East

l hope everyone had a lovely and restful summer break and are now ready for the new Guiding year.
Congratulations to Rebecca Mccosker, Kira Hampson, Amie Mathieson and Caitlin Moran on completing their Adult Leadership during the summer.
The session has already got of to a busy start, firstly we had our Leaders day/night out to Escape Rooms and a meal afterwards. It was a great day and we all managed to escape !!
Our first Division Meeting will be on Thursday 8th October, this will be a craft night, with crafts for New Year, Mothers Day and Easter. Anne Kelly is coming along to do the crafts and as usual you will be able to order packs from her.
There are two First Response Refresher nights arranged in the Division
The first one is on Wednesday 21st September in Caledonia Primary starting at 6.15
The second one is on Tuesday 18th October in Tollcross Victoria starting at 7pm. If your First Response is out of date please try and come along to one of the nights, l have organised these nights to try and make things easier for everyone.
We have organised a Division Day out to Blair Drummond Safari on Saturday 20th May, more details will be given out at the Division meeting
Look forward to catching up with you all at the Division meeting
Senga |

South East

Welcome back, I do hope everyone managed to take some time off Guiding to recharge the batteries and come to the new session with renewed enthusiasm.

Thank you to all who attended our end of term dinner at Buorgiono’s, delicious food and some great company.  It was lovely to see so many of you there and to get the chance to catch up with each other. Thanks to Aimee and Dona for arranging it.

As we start focusing on the new Guiding term, I am sure your programme planning is well under way, could I just give a gentle reminder that now is a good time to tidy up your GO records and check all information is current and accurate, also ensuring that any new members waiting on Join us are contacted and pushed through the system in a timely manner.

Our next Division Meeting will take place on Monday 19th September, Croftfoot Church Halls at 8.00pm. As always we ask that every unit is represented to help inform the direction the Division will take over the next session. Hope to see you then.

Ann |


I hope you all had a great summer break, despite the weather, and are looking forward to the year ahead.
Our Division meeting will take place on Tuesday 13th September at 8pm in Cathcart Bowling Club, Ashmore Road.  This is a social evening at which long service awards will be given out.
I had been asked to give a training on gift aid and grant writing at this – however we decided that we would keep this as a social event. I will prepare a hand out with information on ‘how too’ which will be distributed at the meeting and then organise a workshop for those that wish to take it forward.
I am delighted that a lottery request has been successful for our trip to Dalguise meaning the cost has reduced by £10 per person and the full cost has been covered for those that I was told needed financial assistance to enable them to attend.  I have another grant request in the pipeline so will let you know if that is successful.   Individual units can also apply to cash back for communities or the Allander Trust for this trip if they wish.
I look forward to seeing lots of you our next meeting,
Karen |

South West

She believed she could… so she did!  An inspirational quote for the new term…. and together we will!

There have been a few exciting events over the summer period with the 259th Guides and Senior Section travelling to Switzerland.  And the arrive of a new member to South West Division in the form of Baby Ethan Keith.  Congratulation to Caroline and Chris.

South West are increasing their representation on #TeamGlasgow thanks to Jan Russell and Gemma Murray who have both taken on roles at County level as Indoor Activities Coordinator and Special Needs Adviser.

The next division meeting will be October

Karen & Lynn |

Welcome to the new session of 2016! I hope that you all had a great summer and managed to relax and chill out and are now ready for the session ahead. Firstly I would like to thank Jacqueline Ross for her work as our Division Pack Holiday Advisor over the last number of years and to Josephine Irvine who has now decided to retire from our Senior Section many thanks ladies for all you have done over the years in your roles it is appreciated by all of us.

Congratulations go to Jennifer Kiernan of 10th Guide Unit and Chana Taylor of 310th Rainbow Unit for both gaining their Adult Leader Qualification.

Our first Division Meeting will be held on Sunday 18th September at 2pm in Drumchapel St Andrew’s Church Hall. It would be good if at least one member from each unit could attend so the information from the County etc can be taken back to all units.

A quick reminder that next year sees the Rainbows Celebrate their 30th Birthday, please also check your Join us and the waiting list to ensure that if there are any new girls on it that you invite along to your Units and remember to update any comments on Join Us would be appreciated. You should have now all received your personal welcome letter from Jill Elborn our County Commissioner as well as your County Calendar. If you have not received it please let me know.

I hope you all have a great start to the new session and I look forward to seeing you all at our Division Meeting in September.

Fiona |

North West

As usual the girls in the Division have had a busy summer with Brownie Holidays, Camps and Duke of Edinburgh expeditions. Several of our Guides attended Rockin’ Rio and had a great time. Many of our Adult volunteers were involved as Leaders at the camp too.

Megan Harrison went to Roverway and we look forward to hearing about her experience.

It seems no time at all since I took over as Division Commissioner for North West Division – until we could find someone younger to take over the job! That was five years ago and my appointment has now officially ended! I have enjoyed the experience but am very happy to hand over the reins to Lindsay Fergus, a Rainbow Leader in the Division – and yes, she is a lot younger!!

An enormous thank you to everyone who has supported me during my time as Division Commissioner. I am sure that Lindsay will receive the same support.

Marie Gilfillan |