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News from the Divisions – Feb 2018

Northern Division

First a quick reminder about our World Thinking Day celebrations – it is on
Saturday 24 February at 2.45 – 4.30pm. Please contact your District Commissioner
If you are able to come along. It would be great to have a mix of girls, from
all sections, meeting together and having fun.

Division Camp

The deadline for numbers and deposits has been extended to Tuesday 5th March.
Please encourage your girls to come along to this event. This will be a first for
the Division i.e. having brownies, guides and senior section girls all camping
together. The deadline for numbers and deposits is 5 March.

If you are thinking about coming to camp but have no camping experience
Please do not worry there will be help available. This will be a fun weekend
for both the girls and their leaders. I would love you to bring your girls

Housekeeping Issues

Could I please ask all unit guiders to ensure their administration processes
are robust. Please look at your waiting lists etc. and ensure that the information
Is accurate and up to date.


It is vital that everyone attending a residential event has a PVG. I know there
are still a few to be completed. Your District Commissioner will be in touch
to arrange to have these carried out ASAP.


It is approaching the cut off date for unit accounts. All accounts must be
closed off as of 31 March 2018. If anyone is struggling with their accounts
please let me know. As in previous years we can have a wee session
In HQ to get them sorted out.

To finish could I wish everyone a happy World Thinking Day.

Ann |

South Division

I hope everyrhing is going well with your units and I particularly want to welcome all our new volunteers.

Exciting times ahead for growth starting with our new senior section unit in Govanhill which opens next month.

Jacqui has emailed out about numbers for our community action in Queens Park on 3rd March – please let her know numbers.

Info about transport for our events at Ryze will follow via email. We have a few spaces on the Wednesday. Looking for 4 spare for the Thursday if anyone bought too many.

Karen |