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Division Diaries – Sept 2017

North Division

I hope everyone enjoyed the summer break, is feeling refreshed and ready for the new session.

I know some units are really needing additional help and I am currently trying to sort this out.

Could I please highlight a couple of upcoming dates:-

Saturday 4th November – County leaders training in Renfield St Stephens Church. This will be an excellent training and will cover a number of topics including the new programme. The cost for this training will be £10.00. Could I remind everyone this can be claimed as a legitimate unit expense.

Wednesday 22 November. – Annual Review in the City Chambers.
Please note we are the duty division this year so we need volunteers to help.
Please contact your District Commissioner if you are available to help.

Dash to Denmark – April 2018

The Division are looking at the possibility of taking a group of guides to Denmark next year. We would participate in the wide game and see the sights.
At this point we need to know if we have enough guiders to staff such a trip.
If you are interested in hearing a bit more please contact me.

I am trying to book a date for a Division meeting but this is proving to be quite difficult. I shall be in touch with the date ASAP. Could I ask if there Is anything you would like covered at the Division meeting and I shall do my best to include it.

Lastly could I ask that anyone who does not have a PVG to contact me. There are still a few outstanding and these need to be completed.

Thank You

Ann Chapman |

East North East Division

Welcome back to our new session, hope everyone had a lovely summer and batteries are recharged😊

Can unit leaders please make sure they let us know which Rainbow Roundabout, badge or GFI you’d like for our “Bag a Badge” day on Saturday 18th November. More information will be sent out in the next couple of weeks.

There will be a Safe Space training on Thursday 2nd November in Shettleston New Church 6.15pm- 9.30pm, any leader who has not yet attended a Safe Space training and any Leaders in Training who have still to go along to one please contact me to confirm your attendance.

This is a wee while off but Division Camp has been booked for the weekend of 7th-9th September 2018.

Unfortunately Ann Taylor has had to step down as district commissioner for Tollcross/Bridgeton District. On behalf of the Division l’d like to thank Ann for everything she has done for the District and the Division.

l look forward to seeing you all at some point over the next couple of months

Senga |

North East

Welcome to a new session! I hope everyone has now received my email about the Division meeting on 19th September. Apologies for the delay – I had sent it twice previously but the emails did not get through. Not sure why but I think there is a problem with group emails on my laptop.

Anyway I hope to see most of you then, and if you could please return your questionnaires before the meeting that would be really useful.

I will be in touch with Guide leaders about the Dalguise weekend separately – the final cost is confirmed at £50 per head, thanks to a grant from the Big Lottery Awards for All Fund.

Best wises for the new session and see you on the 19th.

All the best
Carolyn McGrath |

South East Division

Welcome back, I hope everyone managed to get some time to relax and you are now full of energy and enthusiasm for the start of the new Guiding session.

Guiding didn’t stop completely over the summer months and I hope everyone who went to Tartan Gig, participated in an International adventure, adventure closer to home, attended Rise to the Challenge celebrations etc etc had a fantastic time.

If you were like me the first challenge I encountered was getting onto the new GO system. While frustrating at the start I am finding it very intuitive and when familiar I am positive that it will give us many benefits. If you have not yet registered, please do so and check that your personal data and your girls details are correct.

Our first Division meeting will be held on Monday 18th September at 8pm, in Croftfoot Church Hall. I hope to see you all there but it would be especially good if each unit could be represented as I would like to discuss what we would like to do in the coming year. Please encourage anyone working on or considering doing their Adult Leadership Qualification to attend, it can be started from aged 16, as this may help give them an insight into what opportunities are open to them. I would like us to focus on what the Division and Mentors can do to support Leaders in training, starting by asking them what they want from us.

If you have new volunteers started with your unit, please let me know so we can get them registered and the recruitment checks completed.

Hope to see you all on the 18th.
Ann |

South Division

I hope you all had a great summer break and are returning refreshed, looking forward to the challenges of a new year! Judging by the length of our ‘join us’ list guiding will be growing is South this year and I am delighted. I know there are teething problems as we all get used to the new GO but as a team I am sure we can support each other and I would be grateful if you can make sure all girls on your lists are contacted shortly – lets aim to have no one waiting for initial contact for more than 2 weeks! By the time you read this the new Guide Unit is Clincarthill should be up and running and plans well underway for another two within the Division.

All our accounts were completed by the start of the summer – thank you. You should have a signed copy back, so remember that if you are a registered charity OSCR will require a copy – if you have not done this yet it please do so now – and if you have any issues / don’t know how just ask. Those that registered last session should have a note when you log in saying accounts not required this year – but please check ( doing that will at least mean you have checked your login works and you can get in for next year when you will need to make a return).

I believe plans are well underway for our Division Rainbow party and I am hoping for an update at the meeting.

We have our silent disco booked for Thursday 7th December – you should have received the link to book tickets – there are still a few spaces left at the Brownie event and the Guide event has plenty of space ( although I will find out next week how many of mine want to go so that may change). Cost is £6

We are intending to have a Thinking Day event I the Division – the theme this year is ‘impact’ – anyone got any ideas? I am intending to arrange a ‘block booking’ for Ryze around that time too.

Our Division summer outing will be the Safari Park on Saturday 2nd June – further details will follow (much) nearer the time but for annual budgeting purposes the cost, including transport and badge, will be £20

Karen |

South West

Hello everyone and welcome back to another term! I hope you’ve all recharged your batteries and are motivated to start back at your units.

We will be having two Division meetings this term, plus a social event in early December. These meetings will be more focused on things that will help you, for example at our first one in September we’ll be looking at the new Join Us/GO! system. The one in November will focus on Christmas crafts, and we’ll be looking for volunteers to demonstrate a craft to give others some ideas. Please make every effort to attend. County updates will be sent out via email on a monthly basis.

Monday 18th September – Mosspark Parish Church, 7:30pm
Wednesday 1st November – tbc but likely Pollokshields Church, 7:30pm

There are a number of trainings coming up over the next few months so make sure to keep an eye on the Girlguiding Glasgow website and our Facebook page. We are looking to have a Divisional Leaders in Training event on the afternoon of Sunday 8th October, so please keep that date free if you are working on your leadership qualification.

Lastly, if you haven’t had your PVG completed yet we’ll be in touch shortly to sort that out. Remember you can’t go on a residential event with your unit unless this has been completed, and its taking a number of weeks to process before the certificate comes through so it’s important to get this done asap if you are hoping to plan any overnight trip.

Hope to see you all on the 18th.

Lynn & Karen |

North West Division

I hope you have all had a fantastic summer and are refreshed ready to start the next guiding year.

A number of our units have been away on residential experiences since the last newsletter I trust everyone has a great time! Well done to 263rd Guides who went camping for the first time in May.

We are currently in the early stages of planning a division camp for June 2018. If you are interested in helping out ( you don’t need to be a guide leader!) please let myself or Gillian Ritchie know.

Lindsay |
