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Division Diaries – May 2018

North Division

I would like to say a big thank out to everyone who has submitted their
accounts.  If you have not these are now overdue and should be submitted
to your District Commissioner immediately.

With the summer holidays  approaching  I know  units will be going on trips
and outings.  Please have a great time and let’s hope the weather is kind.

Looking forward to seeing lots of guiders at our Division camp.  It will be
great to spend a weekend with so many enthusiastic  guiders and I know
we will have a great camp.

Could I finish by thanking everyone for their  commitment to guiding.  I really
do appreciate all your dedication and hard work.  Enjoy your well earned summer
break, have a good  rest and recharge your batteries.

Happy Holidays

Anne |

North East

As we are coming to the end of the session, hopefully the girls are able to take advantage of the better weather and light nights and get outdoors.  We are always looking for good Guiding photos so please send us any you have which you think would be suitable for the website or other publication (provided everyone has permission to photograph of course).

At the last Division Meeting a date was set for the Division leaders night out – Friday 8th June. We are proposing to go back to Nakodar in Annfield Place, just off Duke Street as it was good last year.  if you want to go, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing HYPERLINK “” \o “”

Unit accounts should be sent to Elaine by the end of the week – any problems please let one of us know.

We wish you all a relaxing summer break and to the Guides attending the Regional Camp -have a great time and fingers crossed for sunshine!

Carolyn & Elaine

East North East

Nothing Submitted

South East

Nothing Submitted


As I write this sitting in the sun I have my fingers crossed for good weather for those of you off to pack holiday/ camps/ trips over the coming weeks!

Our trip to the Safari Park in 2nd June has had  fabulous uptake with 273 members going!  Buses will be leaving at 9.30am and returning around 5pm.  I will be in seperate contact regarding pick up points – juggling units/ buses at the moment.  Please remind the girls to bring sunscreen, packed lunches and waterproofs.

Accounts to 31st March should be with the district commissioners by now – thank you in advance for your support with this project.  Please remember that those of you who registered with OSCR need to do your annual return when you get the accounts signed.  It takes 5 minutes once you know what you are doing – please just ask if you need help.

I am looking forward to a nice relaxing summer recharging batteries for another busy year :

Dalguise has been booked for March –  110 of us going at the moment – I have paid the deposits so would be grateful if those of you who havent yet could send the money to Claire as soon as possible so I can get it back!   We can only now add to numbers if PGL agree as I surrendered the rest of the ones I had on hold.

I will be organising a christmas raffle again – let me know if your unit wishes to participate to raise money towards this or any other trips ( units keep 90% of funds raised) – i will be ordering tickets over the summer.

Next term there will be a brownie christmas party and guide silent disco the first Thursday in December ( the brownie party will be half traditional party, half disco).  We will repeat the trips to Ryze in Holy week and we are going to Edinburgh Zoo the first Saturday in June.  On top of that County also have extensive plans so should be a great year!

South West

Nothing Submitted


West Division!

As we’ve not had a get-together for sometime, how about we have a wee meet up to tell everyone what we’ve been doing over the last year and what we’ve got planned for next year?
How about a wee afternoon tea somewhere (Fiona makes lovely cakes and I’m sure someone can make a cuppa)? If you can provide your hall and if we can all agree on a date sometime in June, preferably before 23rd June when I’m off an a cruise (selfish, I know) and we can get the ball rolling.
We look forward to hearing from you with lots of suggestions.

Contact either of us – or
Marian & Fiona

North West

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