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Division Diaries – April 2018

Northern Division


As you are aware our accounts year has now closed and we should be thinking
about completing our unit accounts. I understand this has caused a few
worries in the past. Please do not stress contact your District Commissioner
if you need help. I am also more that happy to help with accounts so if you need a
helping hand please give me a call.
I would ask you to get your unit accounts to your District Commissioner ASAP.

Division Camp

Payments for Division camp should be paid by the end of April. Permission
slips should have been submitted to me by now so that plans can be finalised. There
will be a meeting of the camp planning team very shortly and more info will be
cascaded after that meeting has taken place.

There is still time for leaders to come along even if you are not bringing girls.
I must just stress that everyone must have a PVG if they wish to attend any
residential event.

I am delighted that we have so many girls wanting to come along. This will be
a first for us to have brownies, guides and senior section all
camping together and I am hoping that our camp will encourage girls to move
on to the next section. It will be a tremendous weekend and I am looking
forward to us having lots of fun.

Division Meeting

It was lovely to meet some new leaders at our Division meeting. Thank you very
much if you managed to come along. I would also like to thank Helen for
sharing the activities from the taster packs and apologies for eating the soft
cheese whilst tiling.

Thank you

Anne Chapman |

North East Division
Nothing submitted this month
East North East Division
Nothing Submitted this month
South East Division
Nothing Submitted this month
South Division

As we move towards the summer term I hope you are all looking forward to getting out and about.

It was great to see so many of you at Ryze – definitely an outing I will repeat next year, again whenever Holy Week falls and so many of us are ‘homeless’.

Our next Trip is the Safari Park on 2nd June and so far I am aware of 215 attendees!  Once you have final numbers if they are different to your eventbrite estimates please let me know in case it affects the coach capacity. Details of the arrangements will follow in next week or so, so you have time to distribute to the parents.

You should also have received, via DCs details of our trip to Dalguise in March 2019.  I have to confirm numbers and pay deposits by 8th  May so if you are intending to bring your unit please do let me know. I realise it is expensive (£80) but that is why we are booking a year in advance.

Finally Unit accounts are now due and I would be grateful if they could be with your DCs by 15th May so that we can meet the County deadline – we were first last year…. No pressure….if you need help just ask.  Those that registered for OSCR last year will also have to complete their first return – just something to remember as we don’t want to miss the statutory deadlines and again if you are not sure pick up the phone or ping a message

Karen |

South West Division
Nothing Submitted this month
West Division
Nothing Submitted this month
North West Division
Nothing Submitted this month