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April has been Awesome!

We now find ourselves in April and this is my favourite season in Guiding because it is a little bit easier to get out and about with your unit with lighter nights and, hopefully, a little sunshine!!

Firstly, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude to each and every unit for your response to census deadlines. I am delighted to advise that Girlguiding Glasgow has fully paid our subscription which is a remarkable achievement and we have completed this well within the Girlguiding stipulated timelines. With all of us playing our small part at unit, District and Division level we have managed to hit this milestone so, thank you #TeamGlasgow!!

Since our last edition of the newsletter it has been non-stop with various meetings, events and residentials! Volunteering with Girlguiding demands you have high stamina levels!! First weekend away was at PGL with Guides and Brownies where I had great fun with leaders and Brownies and Guides doing archery, abseiling and the assault course to name a few. Exhausting as always but lots of laughs and memories made for us all. I also attended my first County Commissioners 24 hour conference which I found exceptionally useful and very thought provoking. One of the agenda items was a group of Girlguiding Glasgow Queen’s Guide Candidates launching their new initiative, ‘In her Shoes’. The group is asking all Girlguiding Scotland units to donate a pair of old shoes and a pair of socks for refugees. The group’s presentation was superb and I hope you will support our young members in this worthwhile project. More information can be found in the newsletter.

I also attended the first Girlguiding Glasgow Senior Section Spectacular Social event at Intu Braehead playing crazy golf (remind me not to go in Evelyn’s team again!) followed by dinner. It was lovely to meet such an enthusiastic group of young women who were very clear on their aspirations for Girlguiding Glasgow and how our organisation should progress.

Our next County event is our Rainbow and Brownie day ‘Rah Rah Rio’ which is taking place on Saturday 30th April. The planning team who are volunteers, just like yourself, are going above and beyond their weekly unit commitment to give youth members extra opportunity. Events such as ‘Rah Rah Rio’ and later in the month ‘Rocking Rio’ our County Camp (27th-30th May) are both dependent on the extra goodwill of all our adult membership joining the event on the day delivery team. We are grateful for anytime you can donate to join either event teams with only commitment required for the event. If you can help please email (Rainbow and Brownie event) or (County Camp) come along join in the fun and get to meet new friends and join #TeamGlasgow!!

Hopefully, across the summer term I will get to meet as many of you as possible. If you see me, don’t forget to come and say hello as getting to meet everyone to date has been the best part of this new role!
